
II Me Complete

II Me Complete

Pas même les funérailles de sa mère ne peuvent convaincre l’autoproclamé fêtard Zach Johnson de modérer ses sarcasmes ou de penser à s’installer.

Word Count: 94,711

La Moitié de Nous

La Moitié de Nous

L’irascible Jason parviendra-t-il à ouvrir son cœur à l’optimiste Abe ? S’il le laisse entrer dans sa vie, il pourra enfin avoir la famille qu’il désire tant.

Word Count: 59,044

Une Preuve de Courage

Une Preuve de Courage

Après une aventure d’un soir qui se transforme en amour potentiel, le sage Spencer réalise qu’il a envie de partager sa vie avec le flamboyant Emilio.

Word Count: 61,177

Plus Que Tout

Plus Que Tout

Même si le temps ne guérit pas toutes les blessures, Charlie va rapidement se rendre compte qu’avec deux hommes motivés et déterminés à le reconquérir, il parviendra à trouver le bonheur d’une manière inattendue...

Word Count: 70 625

Fais-Moi Revivre

Fais-Moi Revivre

Un puissant loup Alpha et un humain têtu surmontent des traditions enracinées de génération en génération et révèlent des secrets depuis longtemps enfouis pour accomplir leur destinée en tant que compagnons.

Word Count: 80 442

À Jamais

À Jamais

Un métamorphe loup sensible et un vampire brutal défient les traditions, la cupidité, et les profondeurs de leurs êtres afin de rester ensemble à jamais.

Word Count: 63 441

L’Air Attise le Feu

L’Air Attise le Feu

Le très dominant Asher ne s’attendait pas à tomber amoureux de l’insouciant Daniel, mais ils trouveront ce dont ils ont désespérément besoin chez l’autre.

Word Count: 70 817

My FB Group's Recommendations



This is one of the most well written and diversely characterized Shifter series you can read, in my humble opinion. With each new installment, more of the Shifter world reveals itself. The people, the laws and the stubborn, unyielding beliefs some of them refuse to let go of. I love the way CC weaves the different stories together. This book and the storyline ties directly into the other three books and perhaps gives details and information you were wanting from those books. But mostly, it's a love story about two men, both stubborn as hell, but also loyal to a fault.

TTC Books & More

Strange Bedfellows by Cardeno C. was a fantastic escape from the real political atmosphere in the U.S. and I loved every minute of it. ... Strange Bedfellows has all the things that I love: low angst, hot sex, and loveable characters.

Kiki's Kinky Picks

Cardeno also writes some really good sexy times and again…this was no exception.

Love Bytes Reviews

I absolutely loved the dynamic between Jason and Abe! ....Jason and Abe were on fire from the second they met. ...Their connection was so strong from day one. And, true to form, CC brings the heat, but also the quirky and fun.

The Book Vixen

Another sexy, hot, sweet and incredibly poignant story from one of my favorite M/M authors, Cardeno C. This is a perfect book for any reader who might be new to the M/M genre and would like to "get their toes wet" so to speak. McFarland's Farm is a novella but it is yummy, filled with emotion, and oh yeah, some totally scorching hot sex scenes. The scenes between Jared and Lucas are also filled with warmth and yes, love, and I felt a deeper connection to these two delicious characters than I did in many books 4 times the length of this story....It was absolutely wonderful and I loved these two characters. I definitely recommend this book for all M/M fans and even for readers who don't normally try this genre. It's fantastic!

The Book Bellas