
II Me Complete

II Me Complete

Pas même les funérailles de sa mère ne peuvent convaincre l’autoproclamé fêtard Zach Johnson de modérer ses sarcasmes ou de penser à s’installer.

Word Count: 94,711

La Moitié de Nous

La Moitié de Nous

L’irascible Jason parviendra-t-il à ouvrir son cœur à l’optimiste Abe ? S’il le laisse entrer dans sa vie, il pourra enfin avoir la famille qu’il désire tant.

Word Count: 59,044

Une Preuve de Courage

Une Preuve de Courage

Après une aventure d’un soir qui se transforme en amour potentiel, le sage Spencer réalise qu’il a envie de partager sa vie avec le flamboyant Emilio.

Word Count: 61,177

Plus Que Tout

Plus Que Tout

Même si le temps ne guérit pas toutes les blessures, Charlie va rapidement se rendre compte qu’avec deux hommes motivés et déterminés à le reconquérir, il parviendra à trouver le bonheur d’une manière inattendue...

Word Count: 70 625

Fais-Moi Revivre

Fais-Moi Revivre

Un puissant loup Alpha et un humain têtu surmontent des traditions enracinées de génération en génération et révèlent des secrets depuis longtemps enfouis pour accomplir leur destinée en tant que compagnons.

Word Count: 80 442

À Jamais

À Jamais

Un métamorphe loup sensible et un vampire brutal défient les traditions, la cupidité, et les profondeurs de leurs êtres afin de rester ensemble à jamais.

Word Count: 63 441

L’Air Attise le Feu

L’Air Attise le Feu

Le très dominant Asher ne s’attendait pas à tomber amoureux de l’insouciant Daniel, mais ils trouveront ce dont ils ont désespérément besoin chez l’autre.

Word Count: 70 817

My FB Group's Recommendations



I did really love that ending. I am happy to see them working things out and hopeful for their future.

The TBR Pile

"What a dynamic! So often with men, communication is forgotten, and the assumption is that the other person should know what is in someone’s head. There is a definite Dominant/submissive piece here, with Todd wanting and needing to be directed, but also I think because it helps with his focus. At the same time though, Richard feels it is wrong to be that type of person, so they must learn to communicate what is best for each other.
They do a good job of finding that happy place in order to be what the other person needs, and I really enjoyed their journey towards an HEA."

Two Chicks Obsessed with Books and Eye Candy

If you're into shape shifters, you should definitely give this book, actually the entire series a try. Totally worth it.

Mikky's World of Books

For some of us there are those "go-to" authors whom we rely on for a certain type of story. For me, author Cardeno C. has always been the writer I turn to for a warm, fuzzy romance that has the most delightfully likable characters and a wonderful happy ever after. Cardeno C.'s latest novella, McFarland's Farm, does not disappoint!... the sweet love story that unfolds between these two men is really well written. ... Two seemingly polar opposites who are undeniably attracted to each other but fumble about, denying their interest, makes for a fun and delightful story.... a beautiful story of love and acceptance.

The Novel Approach Reviews

I absolutely loved it! ...Reg is an amazing character and I just loved the whole package. He was so clued in to Jeremy it was gorgeous to see revealed, in one fabulous chapter after another, the love developing between these two gloriously divine men. It was one of those books you just could not put down and everything stopped so you could continue to be lost in the beautiful romance evolving. The vulnerability of Jeremy just took my breath away... When he was hesitant in asking for a hug my heart just melted and immediately Reg stepped in and just gave whatever Jeremy needed. He was wonderful for nurturing what Jeremy needed and his protector. Oh I so loved this book and these men! When Jeremy finally opens up and accepts who he is and the relationship stepped up to another level I was rubbing my hands with glee. Oh and the sexy times that then took place – oh my GEE! A brilliant sweet and sexy read that has left me with a serious book hangover and a ‘you must read this book' recommendation. Five stars plus.

Foxylutely Book Reviews