Due uomini con un passato in comune e un’attrazione reciproca devono essere sinceri con se stessi e l’uno con l’altro per poter realizzare i loro sogni.
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Riuscirà il figlio miliardario di un Presidente Democratico a formare una famiglia con il figlio Deputato di un Senatore Repubblicano? Dimenticate la politica: è l’amore a creare strani compagni di letto.
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Se l’irascibile Jason riuscisse ad aprire il suo cuore e la sua vita all’ottimista Abe, potrebbe finalmente trovare la famiglia che desidera.
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L’unione di due Alfa, per guidare il branco e costruire una famiglia.
Word Count: 36.000
All’età di diciotto anni. Shiloh Raben è stanco. Non ha più le energie sufficienti per confrontarsi con i compagni di classe, con i suoi dubbi interiori e con la paura del rigetto da parte della sua famiglia, così prende un rasoio e si taglia i polsi.
Word Count: 36,389
If you're a fan of shifter books, and can exercise some patience with dear Samuel, I think you'll really enjoy this Cardeno C. novel. I enjoyed this entire series!
The incredibly strong emotions throughout this whole story kept me from wanting to put the book down. The author did a magnificent job of making the emotions--from anger to depression to lust--leap off the page with the characters. The story went from being sweet and innocent... to desperate and angry...The other component of the book that was written exceptionally well was the relationships. In a short amount of time, I could feel how important the friendship between Kai and Abel's parents was and how upset Abel's parents were to lose their friends. There is a fierce and protective relationship between Kai and Kelly, and a fun and honest relationship between Abel and his brothers. Abel also has a dynamic relationship with his parents. And, of course, the relationship between Abel and Kai that spans the entire spectrum of emotions. This was a very fulfilling story that contained love, heartache, bitterness, hatred, revenge, humor, and forgiveness.
Reg's campaign to show Jeremy what relationships are supposed to be like as opposed to what Jeremy thought they were based on his experiences was beautiful. Jeremy's slow but very sexy seduction was breathtaking. I loved Reg's patience while he gave Jeremy the chance to figure out for himself that he was attracted to Reg, even if all his previous relationships had been with women. The scenes leading up to Jeremy's moment of revelation gradually went from sweet to hot as Jeremy evolves from cherishing the cuddles and closeness he needs to fully appreciating his sexuality and newly discovered appetite for it.
You can't go wrong with this riveting page turner with true love, a suspenseful plot, wonderful dialogue, vampires, shifters, and steamy hot sex. I couldn't put it down, and I'm anxiously awaiting the next book in the series!
I couldn't put it down!!! The story was beautiful and touching, once again showing that when you find the right person regardless of who they are then there is nothing that the two of you can't accomplish. It doesn't matter which of Cardeno's books I pick up, I know that I am going to fall in love. With bonds of loyalty, acceptance and love running so deep the characters become part of your family and you find yourself rooting for them to discover who they are and find their forever love.