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Zev and Jonah


I wrote this flash fic for Boy Meets Boy Reviews featuring the characters in Wake Me Up Inside. Enjoy! - CC

My FB Group's Recommendations



 I’m a big fan of Cardeno C. I always know I’m going to be entertained by the characters, the setting and the plot. I always laugh, cry, get a little hot and bothered and know there won’t be much angst....I love this couple. They are sweet, funny, sexy and perfect for each other. I love the old jokes and the humor! And I love Oliver’s friend Tamra. She cracks me up!

Two Book Pushers

Seeing their relationship develop is so sweet and hot and wonderful. This is absolutely a sort of fairy tale, in the best possible sense, where all the obstacles are overcome, the lovers are able to be together, and the world is righted through the sheer will of their desire to be together. It’s a fairy tale all right, and I ate it up with a spoon!

Reviews by Jess Wave

All in all it's an entertaining story that's ultimately the culmination of a sexy dream which leaves you with a smile on your face and gives you a bit of afternoon delight

Words of Wisdom...from the Scarf Princess

Hugh and Johnnie's journey was emotionally touching, well written and at times thought provoking.... Of course the author doesn't leave out the steamy sexy times either, but in this story it fed the emotional connection between the two men in palpable ways. Great story Cardeno C!

On My Growing TBR

Cardeno C has the knack of being able to tell her stories from the heart like no one else can. She puts her characters before her readers, naked and unashamed of who they are,even if they are shy or lacking in some other areas. Sex scenes are abundant in all these novels, but they are well done, intimate, sexy and smoulder like they are supposed to if they are to move the story along. Cardeno uses the conflict between the main two characters to get a rise out of the reader, to make them wonder what will happen next, and book three of the series has done this and so much more.

Love Romance Passion