Exilé par sa meute quand il était adolescent, l’Omega Simon Moorehead a appris à enfouir sa nature douce pour survivre.
Word Count: 35,375
Pas même les funérailles de sa mère ne peuvent convaincre l’autoproclamé fêtard Zach Johnson de modérer ses sarcasmes ou de penser à s’installer.
Word Count: 94,711
Deux shifters Alphas s’unissent pour diriger leur meute et fonder une famille.
Word Count: 38150
L’irascible Jason parviendra-t-il à ouvrir son cœur à l’optimiste Abe ? S’il le laisse entrer dans sa vie, il pourra enfin avoir la famille qu’il désire tant.
Word Count: 59,044
Après une aventure d’un soir qui se transforme en amour potentiel, le sage Spencer réalise qu’il a envie de partager sa vie avec le flamboyant Emilio.
Word Count: 61,177
Même si le temps ne guérit pas toutes les blessures, Charlie va rapidement se rendre compte qu’avec deux hommes motivés et déterminés à le reconquérir, il parviendra à trouver le bonheur d’une manière inattendue...
Word Count: 70 625
Un puissant loup Alpha et un humain têtu surmontent des traditions enracinées de génération en génération et révèlent des secrets depuis longtemps enfouis pour accomplir leur destinée en tant que compagnons.
Word Count: 80 442
Un métamorphe loup sensible et un vampire brutal défient les traditions, la cupidité, et les profondeurs de leurs êtres afin de rester ensemble à jamais.
Word Count: 63 441
Le très dominant Asher ne s’attendait pas à tomber amoureux de l’insouciant Daniel, mais ils trouveront ce dont ils ont désespérément besoin chez l’autre.
Word Count: 70 817
I loved this story. It is very short, but it is very well written. The characters have a bunch going on, but it doesn’t’ feel pressured. I like how this author can do characters that have insta-love, like this story and make it feel realistic. The sex scenes are some of the hottest I’ve read, ever. This story doesn’t have a bunch of angst or heavy drama, just a nice, feel good story. The kind that Cardeno C is famous for. I will be reading this book over and over.
I ADORE this story and cannot help but fangirl and squee all over this!
Cardeno C. adds just the right touch of humor to the conversations between Miguel and Ethan. ... Cardeno C. will capture you on the first page and keep your interest as we explore the world created and met the intriguing characters who live in that world. Great characters with a captivating story - how can you go wrong? You can't with Until Forever Comes by Cardeno C.
Holy Hell, this is a fantastic hurt/comfort story that hits you hard ...I loved this story and absolutely adore Kai and Abel, both men have been through a lot ...This really is a brilliant story that pulls on the heart strings and has you cheering when Kai gets his revenge, I loved how easily they put the past behind them, they refuse to let the past drag them down… that doesn't mean that it doesn't leave it's scars on Kai because it does but with the security of his mate he can deal.
This book was so much fun. … I love that even though there is great sex between them, that there is also so very much more. Robert needs to take care of Vy and Vy needs to submit to Robert. There is so much going on with the two of them… This book was such a great read. I enjoyed the entire story. I love that these two authors brought the very best of talents together and created such great characters and a wonderful story. I was never thrown out of the story with editing problems or things that didn't make sense. Instead, I was lost into the world of Vy and Robert. I wanted them to get their HEA. I wanted Robert to feel that Vy wanted all of him and to know that he was truly loved. I loved that Vy learned that to be a good man and to be a good leader, he needed to be balanced and Robert gave that to him. He learned that he could be strong and yet, he could be generous and kind as well. Read. This. Book. You won't be disappointed. It's worth taking the time and enjoying falling in love with Vy and Robert. Their love affair was so beautiful. They had their issues to work out, but the way that they banded together to get through, was just beautiful to see. Take the time to sink into a great book and be whisked away into another world.