
II Me Complete

II Me Complete

Pas même les funérailles de sa mère ne peuvent convaincre l’autoproclamé fêtard Zach Johnson de modérer ses sarcasmes ou de penser à s’installer.

Word Count: 94,711

La Moitié de Nous

La Moitié de Nous

L’irascible Jason parviendra-t-il à ouvrir son cœur à l’optimiste Abe ? S’il le laisse entrer dans sa vie, il pourra enfin avoir la famille qu’il désire tant.

Word Count: 59,044

Une Preuve de Courage

Une Preuve de Courage

Après une aventure d’un soir qui se transforme en amour potentiel, le sage Spencer réalise qu’il a envie de partager sa vie avec le flamboyant Emilio.

Word Count: 61,177

Plus Que Tout

Plus Que Tout

Même si le temps ne guérit pas toutes les blessures, Charlie va rapidement se rendre compte qu’avec deux hommes motivés et déterminés à le reconquérir, il parviendra à trouver le bonheur d’une manière inattendue...

Word Count: 70 625

Fais-Moi Revivre

Fais-Moi Revivre

Un puissant loup Alpha et un humain têtu surmontent des traditions enracinées de génération en génération et révèlent des secrets depuis longtemps enfouis pour accomplir leur destinée en tant que compagnons.

Word Count: 80 442

À Jamais

À Jamais

Un métamorphe loup sensible et un vampire brutal défient les traditions, la cupidité, et les profondeurs de leurs êtres afin de rester ensemble à jamais.

Word Count: 63 441

L’Air Attise le Feu

L’Air Attise le Feu

Le très dominant Asher ne s’attendait pas à tomber amoureux de l’insouciant Daniel, mais ils trouveront ce dont ils ont désespérément besoin chez l’autre.

Word Count: 70 817

My FB Group's Recommendations



I still love this in book or audio format and would highly recommend it anyway you can get it!

Blogger Girls

The relationship between these two men is incredible. They share humorous and emotional moments that put this story over-the-top. 

Books, Books & More Books

I loved their resolution and these bedfellows were anything but strange. Be prepared for some off the charts, steamy moments, too, as Trevor and Ford don't hold back. I very much enjoyed this story. Be prepared for some off the charts, steamy moments, too, as Trevor and Ford don't hold back. I very much enjoyed this story.

The Book Nympho

This story is amazing and beautifully told outlining how love is from the heart, regardless of destiny or fate. If you open your mind, you will see YOU control your future, your heart, not pheromones, instincts, or a gut feeling… they have an undeniable chemistry that is HOT. They know what they want and they don't hold back from getting it. Whether it is from human emotions or animal instinct, they are explosive together. Control has an amazing cast of side characters, each one stepping up to the plate when needed. They are supporting and add another level of laughter and humor to the story… If you love shifter stories, you will love this. If you haven't tried one yet, what better place than right here. You could not ask for two better authors to join together, and create a world where, love and commitment, is constantly strived for. Where peace among your peers are held in the highest regard. Where you thrive to keep control your ultimate goal. Whether that control is amongst your people or control in the bedroom, it does not matter. Together they will be unstoppable. You may find that when your heart is involved, control just comes naturally, to the one wielding it, and the one giving it up. Pick your copy up today, read it today, you will be so glad you did.

Mrs. Condit & Friends Read Books

Reg and JJ's relationship was so sweet. Reg was JJ's protector, carer, P.A and lover all in one sexy hulk of a package and JJ would be lost without him. Their love was very apparent and very addictive. This was such a great book. There was no angst or heart-break, just a fantastic, fun plot with plenty of laughs to be had. If you are looking for a humorous, light and sexually charged read then this is for you.

Love Between the Sheets