
Gemeinsam wir

Gemeinsam wir

Wenn der aufbrausende Jason es schafft, dem optimistischen Abe sein Herz und sein Leben zu öffnen, könnte er womöglich die Familie finden, nach der er sich sehnt …

Word Count: 59,240

Stark Genug

Stark Genug

Als sich ein beiläufiger Flirt als unerwartete Chance auf die große Liebe entpuppt, erkennt der biedere Spencer, dass er sich eine gemeinsame Zukunft mit dem lebenslustigen Emilio aufbauen möchte …

Word Count: 61,657

Mein Glück in deinen Augen

Mein Glück in deinen Augen

Zwei grundlegend verschiedene Männer mit bewegter Vergangenheit müssen zahllose Herausforderungen meistern und die Regeln ihrer Gesellschaft überwinden, um zu begreifen, dass sie beide füreinander bestimmt sind.

Word Count: 63.450

Bis die Ewigkeit kommt

Bis die Ewigkeit kommt

Ein sensibler Wolfsgestaltwandler und ein grimmiger Vampir fordern Geschichte, Habgier und ihr eigenes Selbstverständnis heraus, um zusammen sein zu können, bis die Ewigkeit kommt.

Word Count: 62,603

The One Who Saves Me

The One Who Saves Me

Partner kommen und gehen, aber beste Freunde bleiben für immer. Das war immer Andrews und Calebs Mantra. Doch können sie beides sein?

Word Count: 62, 603

The Lions of Berk: Johnnie

The Lions of Berk: Johnnie

Zwei Löwen, beide geboren, um zu dienen, müssen sich aufeinander verlassen, um zu überleben. Nach Jahren an der Seite des jeweils anderen wird ihnen endlich die Tiefe und das Potenzial ihrer Verbindung bewusst.

Word Count: 56,000

Erwecke mein Innerstes

Erwecke mein Innerstes

Ein mächtiger Alphawolf-Gestaltwandler und ein willensstarker Mensch überwinden tiefverwurzelte Traditionen und stoßen auf lang begrabene Geheimnisse, um ihre Bestimmung als wahre Gefährten zu erfüllen.

Word Count: 77,006

My FB Group's Recommendations



This was a very well written book with a smooth flow and good pacing.

Red Pen Cafe

This was an incredibly sweet romantic story. It's one of those stories where you can believe that the two men will be together from the cradle to the grave and possibly beyond... I would definitely recommend this author and this book to anyone who loves a good romance. It makes you believe that each of us has that one person who completes us.

The Romance Studio

a really enjoyably sweet yet hot romance between ... endearing characters. ... What I loved about Cardeno's version of this type of fantasy romance ... was that for a good part of the story we just see these two guys actually getting to know each other as friends. No instant lust or love with these two. That slowly filters into the plot as the book rolls along...The yummy sexual tension is still there, but its paced out brilliantly across the book, getting stronger and more steamily sexy as the initial easy friendship between the MC's starts to turn into something deeper and more realistic as they spend their time together. The banter and conversation between JJ and Reg showed the depth of their chemistry together at each stage of the relationship. ....When that time arrives in the book, the heat level rockets and those love scenes that you've waited patiently for will definitely get you all hot and bothered and wanting to cool off in a cold shower!...There's some conflict and a touch of angst thrown in here and there but ultimately this is just a really endearing love story that makes you feel good and gives you the warm and fuzzies.

Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews

I liked the careful tenderness between the men that turns into intense passion.

My Fiction Nook

This is an incredible story of two shifters coming together from different angles, one from shifter mating and the other from human attraction, and working out their differences to become a couple where love shines through. ...This was a wonderful story to read, it was such a joy to see these two men, who value different things about a person, to come together and make their relationship work. It isn't easy though because Vy places such value in his animal instincts, but Robert goes with his human instincts... Control is another beautifully blended story, the authors writing slips seamlessly together and complements each other perfectly. ...The storyline is wonderful showing that getting to know your mate is just as important as the mating instinct. There is some danger, tension, and violence but none of it is overdone and fits perfectly in the story, it isn't just there for show. I recommend this to those that love shifters, difficult matings, fantastic characters, a great storyline, hot sex, a story that leaves you with the warm fuzzies and a wonderful ending.

MM Good Book Reviews