
Gemeinsam wir

Gemeinsam wir

Wenn der aufbrausende Jason es schafft, dem optimistischen Abe sein Herz und sein Leben zu öffnen, könnte er womöglich die Familie finden, nach der er sich sehnt …

Word Count: 59,240

Stark Genug

Stark Genug

Als sich ein beiläufiger Flirt als unerwartete Chance auf die große Liebe entpuppt, erkennt der biedere Spencer, dass er sich eine gemeinsame Zukunft mit dem lebenslustigen Emilio aufbauen möchte …

Word Count: 61,657

Mein Glück in deinen Augen

Mein Glück in deinen Augen

Zwei grundlegend verschiedene Männer mit bewegter Vergangenheit müssen zahllose Herausforderungen meistern und die Regeln ihrer Gesellschaft überwinden, um zu begreifen, dass sie beide füreinander bestimmt sind.

Word Count: 63.450

Bis die Ewigkeit kommt

Bis die Ewigkeit kommt

Ein sensibler Wolfsgestaltwandler und ein grimmiger Vampir fordern Geschichte, Habgier und ihr eigenes Selbstverständnis heraus, um zusammen sein zu können, bis die Ewigkeit kommt.

Word Count: 62,603

The One Who Saves Me

The One Who Saves Me

Partner kommen und gehen, aber beste Freunde bleiben für immer. Das war immer Andrews und Calebs Mantra. Doch können sie beides sein?

Word Count: 62, 603

The Lions of Berk: Johnnie

The Lions of Berk: Johnnie

Zwei Löwen, beide geboren, um zu dienen, müssen sich aufeinander verlassen, um zu überleben. Nach Jahren an der Seite des jeweils anderen wird ihnen endlich die Tiefe und das Potenzial ihrer Verbindung bewusst.

Word Count: 56,000

Erwecke mein Innerstes

Erwecke mein Innerstes

Ein mächtiger Alphawolf-Gestaltwandler und ein willensstarker Mensch überwinden tiefverwurzelte Traditionen und stoßen auf lang begrabene Geheimnisse, um ihre Bestimmung als wahre Gefährten zu erfüllen.

Word Count: 77,006

My FB Group's Recommendations



The book is marshmallow fluff at its finest.  I thought Charlie David did a wonderful job narrating....Charlie David has a sultry voice so when sexy bits came up, it was perfect.  I liked this book a lot when I read it.  I loved it more when I listened to it.  Recommended for a sweet, feel good time.

Hearts on Fire Reviews

Walk With Me was just what I wanted it to be. Sweet, sexy, funny and engaging. ... This isn't really a GFY trope, more a will they/won't they romance because over the years they constantly fight their feelings for each other, whilst settling into a deep friendship that you know one day will have to come to a head because no one can fight true love when its staring them in the face! So that's the basis but like all good stories its how you get there that makes this such an enjoyable book....The connection and chemistry never fails to sizzle and many a time I've got pretty hot under the collar. But this story is really quite different in so much as sex doesn't actually happen until just over half way, because of course the whole idea is based on the long drawn out sexual tension that builds over the years as they dance around each other, and do you know what? I liked that just fine because when the long anticipated inevitable finally happens, OMG! its soooo worth the wait and the love scenes that follow are ultra sexy and high voltage electric.... There were guest appearances from the guys we've grown to love from the other books in the series and the ending was just perfect. Satisfying and truly romantic. If Cardeno had to wrap up this series then this story is a fitting end.

Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews

There wasn't anything that I didn't love about this book. I realize I say that a lot about Cardeno C.'s work, but the author really is that good and I feel as if I'm right there immersed within the story. Watching David and Jonathan fall in love was intense and amazing. Seeing what happened after ... just reinforced my belief that there are good, decent people in the world who know how to love through thick and thin.

Rainbow Book Reviews

Witty, Smart, and hard to put down is how I would describe Perfect Imperfections. I will admit that I'm not one to read M/M Romances, but I seriously fell in love with Jeremy and Reggie's story. The witty banter between these two will have you in stitches. Perfect Imperfections gives you insight into a nontraditional romance and the stigma that comes with it. Jeremy Jameson is a international rock star who leads a lonely life surrounded by hundreds of people. It isn't until one night when Jeremy meets the easy going Reg that he soon discovers a best friend and lover. I really enjoyed reading this story and I would recommend Perfect Imperfections to anyone who enjoys to read a clever romance with a great ending.

Naughty Vixen Mafia

I think one of my favorite things about this book was how it felt in relation to the first book in the Family series. This book was beautiful. It was sweet and delicious. I loved both Spencer and Emilio from the first page to the last . If you are looking for angst and drama go back and read book one, Something In the Way He Needs, and you will be get all the hard angst you crave. If you want the story of two men who learn to love and accept each other, than Strong enough is the book for you. The way Cardeno made these two books feel completely different is intriguing. ... This book is special. It made me feel so happy. There are sad moments and struggles and these men both have to grow and adapt and learn how to be more than they ever knew they could be, but sweet mercy, the journey was beautiful.

Gay List Book Reviews