Due uomini con un passato in comune e un’attrazione reciproca devono essere sinceri con se stessi e l’uno con l’altro per poter realizzare i loro sogni.
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Riuscirà il figlio miliardario di un Presidente Democratico a formare una famiglia con il figlio Deputato di un Senatore Repubblicano? Dimenticate la politica: è l’amore a creare strani compagni di letto.
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Se l’irascibile Jason riuscisse ad aprire il suo cuore e la sua vita all’ottimista Abe, potrebbe finalmente trovare la famiglia che desidera.
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L’unione di due Alfa, per guidare il branco e costruire una famiglia.
Word Count: 36.000
All’età di diciotto anni. Shiloh Raben è stanco. Non ha più le energie sufficienti per confrontarsi con i compagni di classe, con i suoi dubbi interiori e con la paura del rigetto da parte della sua famiglia, così prende un rasoio e si taglia i polsi.
Word Count: 36,389
This world that Cardeno C has created is as flawed as real life, but she finds a way to make it a better place.
"What a dynamic! So often with men, communication is forgotten, and the assumption is that the other person should know what is in someone’s head. There is a definite Dominant/submissive piece here, with Todd wanting and needing to be directed, but also I think because it helps with his focus. At the same time though, Richard feels it is wrong to be that type of person, so they must learn to communicate what is best for each other.
They do a good job of finding that happy place in order to be what the other person needs, and I really enjoyed their journey towards an HEA."
Jumping In is a really good, quick read that will sate your need for heat, even if it comes across as kind of insta-lovey.
The book is a swooner, and sexy as all get-out. For. Real.
I am a huge fan of Cardeno's books, they are like hugs to me when I am having a bad day. Or a good day. And this one is no different, its sweet, with mild angst, HOT smexy times and a HEA that will leave you with a smile on your face.