
Jesse’s Diner

Jesse’s Diner

Due uomini con un passato in comune e un’attrazione reciproca devono essere sinceri con se stessi e l’uno con l’altro per poter realizzare i loro sogni.

Word Count:

Strani compagni di letto

Strani compagni di letto

Riuscirà il figlio miliardario di un Presidente Democratico a formare una famiglia con il figlio Deputato di un Senatore Repubblicano? Dimenticate la politica: è l’amore a creare strani compagni di letto.

Word Count:

La metà di noi

La metà di noi

Se l’irascibile Jason riuscisse ad aprire il suo cuore e la sua vita all’ottimista Abe, potrebbe finalmente trovare la famiglia che desidera.

Word Count:

In Un'altra Vita & Otto Giorni

In Un'altra Vita & Otto Giorni

All’età di diciotto anni. Shiloh Raben è stanco. Non ha più le energie sufficienti per confrontarsi con i compagni di classe, con i suoi dubbi interiori e con la paura del rigetto da parte della sua famiglia, così prende un rasoio e si taglia i polsi.

Word Count: 36,389

My FB Group's Recommendations



This is a sweet, fluffy, feel good read -- just what we want most in a Cardeno book. I definitely recommend it.

My Fiction Nook

I liked the way in which the author brought these two men together. ... Their strengths and weaknesses counter each other nicely, and I love the chemistry that exists between them. The author knows how to bring this chemistry alive and they heat up the pages of this story. ... I loved all the little twists and turns the author takes the readers on during the course of this story. Until Forever Comes definitely landed on my keeper shelf, and is one book I know I will be re-reading again in the future.

Top 2 Bottom Reviews

I would recommend this book for anyone looking for a short and sweet romance.

The Romance Reviews

This book is a beautiful balance of heartbreak, romance, eroticism, political intrigue, action and mystery. The story developed so well it did not drag once. It was lightly written (despite the events unfolding), making this a fast read. It's action packed scenes were not limited to the shifter battles and fights but instead extended deeper into shifter politics. Twists into the plot turned this unpredictable and very intriguing making it a harder read to put down ... this is definitely a must read. For those who have not read the first two books, it should really not be a problem, but it would mean missing out on a great series.

Multitasking Mommas

Cardeno C is the master of sweet romance. ... Nothing turns me on more than guys being open about their feelings. ;) That's because it usually ends in an erotic make out session or sweaty, grinding sex!... They are very sweet together and decide that maybe the home Lucas is looking for isn't somewhere he makes for himself but somewhere he wants to be…. in Jared's arms.

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