
Walk With Me

Walk With Me
  • 2nd book::views.edition
  • Word Count: 68,252
  • Price: $4.99
  • Release Date: 02/07/2015
  • ISBN: 978-1-942184-17-1

Serious, responsible Seth longs for sexy, outspoken Eli but must decide if he's willing to veer from his safe life-plan.

When Eli Block steps into his parents’ living room and sees his childhood crush sitting on the couch, he starts a shameless campaign to seduce the young rabbi. Unfortunately, Seth Cohen barely remembers Eli and he resolutely shuts down all his advances. As a tenuous and then binding friendship forms between the two men, Eli must find a way to move past his unrequited love while still keeping his best friend in his life. Not an easy feat when the same person occupies both roles.

Professional, proper Seth is shocked by Eli’s brashness, overt sexuality, and easy defiance of societal norms. But he’s also drawn to the happy, funny, light-filled man. As their friendship deepens over the years, Seth watches Eli mature into a man he admires and respects. When Seth finds himself longing for what Eli had so easily offered, he has to decide whether he’s willing to veer from his safe life-plan to build a future with Eli.


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Walk With Me Download a FREE Walk With Me audiobook when you sign up for an Audible 30-day free trial here!
  • Length: 6 hrs and 40 mins
  • Price: $19.95
  • Release Date: 08/28/2015
  • ASIN: B014LLVC4G
Walk With Me
  • 2nd book::views.edition
  • Page Count: 310
  • Price: $13.99
  • Release Date: 10/16/2016
  • ISBN: 978-1-942184-50-8
  • ASIN: 1942184506


Full Excerpt

Seth Cohen

Twenty-seven. That’s how old I was when we met. Well, it was how old I was when meeting meant something. No. It was how old I was when meeting meant something to me. Never mind. That’ll all become clear.

The point is that at that time in my life, I thought I was straight. Typically, when you say you thought you were straight until [insert-anything], the first question is, “How old were you when [insert-anything] happened?” with a chaser of “How could you not know you were gay before that?” It’s a fair question, because I think most gay people do know before they hit their late twenties. But for me, Eli Block was the first guy to ever hold my attention. Not the first to grab it, mind you, just the first to capture it and hold on. That said, women hadn’t ever held my attention for…


Eli Block & Seth Cohen

The story spans from 2001 to January, 2014

Cameo Appearances:

  • Noah Forman & Clark Lehman (mentioned) from Home Again
  • Micah Trains from Just What the Truth Is
  • David Miller from Love at First Sight
  • Andrew Thompson & Caleb Lakes from The One Who Saves Me
  • Nate Richardson (mentioned) from Where He Ends and I Begin


KindleRomance's Review: A brilliant crush-to-friends-to-lovers story that brings an end to one of my favorite series. ...This is a lovely relationship story with well-developed characters who are not only funny and charming, but also sexy and loving. ...There were so many funny moments in this story with the characters and the outrageous weddings that Seth officiated. ... Although Seth is a rabbi, this is not a religious story. Although Seth has loved both men and women, this is not a story focused on bisexuality. This is simply a beautiful relationship story about two people who truly love each other to the bottom of their souls. It's so hard to see a series you love come to an end. The author writes amazing character-driven stories, keeps with this formula, and delivers another winner. I highly recommend this amazing romance with unique characters that truly come to life. Karla's Review: Cardeno C. knows how to draw on a reader's emotions and tug at their heartstrings. I'm working backwards here, because although Walk with Me is the 8th book in the Home series, it's my first. But, no matter, the series is connected in theme only, not by characters or a continuing story, and it can be read as a standalone. The title of the series, Home, seems to define the adage, "home is where the heart is" , because Walk with Me speaks the language of comfort, familiarity and love. Seth had me at "Shalom" ! What an easy going, charming, endearing…

Swept Away by Romance

I will shamelessly admit that I've held off reading 'Walk with Me' as long as possible because it's the final book in the 'Home' series by Cardeno C., and I wasn't ready to say good-bye. From the moment I opened the very first book, I've been hopelessly in love with all of the characters and Emile City. These books have touched me in so many ways and the thought of not having new stories makes me sad. I do know that this is a series I will re-read over and over again because it really is just that good. ... A heartwarming and beautiful finale to an incredible series. I can easily and wholeheartedly recommend each book and the entire series.

Rainbow Book Reviews

Overall, this is a fluffy, fun, and HAPPY read about two charming Jewish boys falling in love, a perfect ending to a sexy, romantic series.

My Fiction Nook

Truly, this is one of the nicest books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I simply loved the characters – I am a sucker for decent people – the story, the humour, the build to what was to come, what the reader is hoping for, a realisation of what they had both built, where they had come to. And also, I have to be honest, the lovemaking, for that's what it was. I simply adored the layout of the book with the wedding invitations at the start of chapters. The weddings that Seth Cohen officiates are just so inventive and dare I say it, some are probably close to being true. This is the end of a series and no author could hope to finish up with two more wonderful characters and on such a beautiful note. Highly recommended reading.

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