
Love at First Sight

Love at First Sight
  • 2nd book::views.edition
  • Word Count: 69,357
  • Price: $4.99
  • Release Date: 02/07/2015
  • ISBN: 978-1-942184-05-8

David must find the courage to share himself and Jonathan must find the strength to tell the truth.

The moment naïve, optimistic Jonathan Doyle glimpses a gorgeous blue-eyed stranger from afar, he believes in love at first sight. Unfortunately, he loses sight of the man before they meet and then spends years desperately trying to find him. Just as he is about to give up, Jonathan gets a break and finally encounters David Miller face to face.

Successful, confident David turns Jonathan’s previously lonely life into a fairy tale, giving him more than he ever imagined. But the years spent searching were hard on Jonathan, and he’s terrified his young son and scandalous past will destroy his blossoming relationship. For David and Jonathan to build a future together, they’ll both have to dig deep: David for the courage to share himself in a way he’s never considered and Jonathan for the strength to tell the truth.


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  • Length: 7 Hours 10 Minutes
  • Price: $17.95
  • Release Date: 03/30/2016
  • ISBN: 978-1-942184-05-8
Love at First Sight
  • 2nd book::views.edition
  • Page Count: 320
  • Price: $13.99
  • Release Date: 10/17/2016
  • ISBN: 978-1-942184-46-1
  • ASIN: 1942184468


Full Excerpt

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Jonathan Doyle sure did. Oh, he knew it was silly and naïve, but deep down he believed. He wanted to believe. Jonathan was a dyed-in-the-wool hopeless romantic. He always had been.

As a teenager, Jonathan spent hours watching old black-and-white movies on television. He was mesmerized by the chivalrous men holding doors open for their dates, taking their coats, pulling their chairs out, and all the rest of it. When other boys dreamt of growing up to be basketball players, rock stars, or firefighters, all Jonathan wanted was that head-over-heels, traditional love story. Well, almost traditional, because in his daydreams Jonathan—and not a woman—was the person sharing that endless love with Mr. Chivalrous. None of those old black-and-white movies covered that territory.

Though he was amiable and good-natured, Jonathan never could seem to keep things together. Somehow, no matter how hard he…


There wasn't anything that I didn't love about this book. I realize I say that a lot about Cardeno C.'s work, but the author really is that good and I feel as if I'm right there immersed within the story. Watching David and Jonathan fall in love was intense and amazing. Seeing what happened after ... just reinforced my belief that there are good, decent people in the world who know how to love through thick and thin.

Rainbow Book Reviews

This is yet another romantic cuppa served warm with extra cream and sugar from Cardeno C.

My Fiction Nook

Top2Bottom Reviews gave it 5 stars. Cardeno C's Love at First Sight is the newest addition to the Home Series and in my opinion it is the best so far. The characters are so believable and well developed that it is easy to imagine them in real life. The story is so endearing that you cannot help but root for the men to find their ever after.

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