
Strange Bedfellows

Strange Bedfellows

Can the billionaire son of a Democratic president build a family with the congressman son of a Republican senator? Forget politics, love makes strange bedfellows.

Word Count: 57,995

My FB Group's Recommendations



It is always a joy to read a Cardeno C book. They are always a little bit of light in what can be a dark world at times.

BJ's Book Blog

Cardeno C is one of my favorite M/M authors and this book shows why....The story is sweet and I was happy to see Jaime make Oliver come out of his shell. There was no conflict in this story but I felt it really didn’t need it since it was really a love story between two men who shouldn’t work together but did. 

Alpha Book Club

When I started reading this book, I had no idea how hot it would be! ...The bond these two men form is pretty special and particularly unique considering their preferred life style is not prevelent in most of society. Likewise, the book also makes a point to point out that Daniel, while a lovely submissive man that finds joy and pleasure in taking care of Asher, is far from a defenseless whipping boy; if the occasion arrises and his limits are crossed, he is both willing and capable of taking care of himself. Bonus points to CC for that! I might also add that the sex was pretty damn hot. ...For anyone with a kinkier bone in their body, this is going to be a great read!

Spectrum Books

There wasn't anything that I didn't love about this book. I realize I say that a lot about Cardeno C.'s work, but the author really is that good and I feel as if I'm right there immersed within the story. Watching David and Jonathan fall in love was intense and amazing. Seeing what happened after ... just reinforced my belief that there are good, decent people in the world who know how to love through thick and thin.

Rainbow Book Reviews