
Places in Time

Places in Time

A relationship-challenged actor unexpectedly finds love in the arms of his childhood best friend.

Word Count: 15,659

Rough Edges

Rough Edges

Kyle has an unwelcome crush on his nemesis Brent. Brent has a welcome crush on his friend Kyle. As it turns out, the line between a friend and an enemy doesn’t have to be a line at all.

Word Count: 17,127

All of Me

All of Me

To bond with his destined mate, an Alpha wolf must look past what he sees and trust what he feels.

Word Count: 18,207

In Another Life & Eight Days

In Another Life & Eight Days

Eight Days: Childhood friends start a long-distance romance but need a holiday miracle for a happy ending. In Another Life: Shiloh will find the strength to confront his fears and build a life worth fighting for with the help of EMT Travis.

Word Count: 36,389

My FB Group's Recommendations



The way Mccabe and Josh’s relationship changed over the years from acquaintances to friends, from friends to… well, more as they grew, not only up physically but together and into a couple as time went by, was heartwarming and lovely. As they came to what seemed like their conclusion, my heart heart did flip-flops and cartwheels, it seemed. Such a great story!

Love Bytes Reviews

The story was very well rounded, and provided a multitude of feelings. I can’t wait for the next book.

Rainbow Gold Reviews

As with all of this author's work, Strange Bedfellows is very well-written and has a strong storyline with plenty of angst, sweetness and romance to keep even the pickiest reader highly satisfied.

Top 2 Bottom Reviews

From the first word I was sucked into this unique and amazing story. Johnnie is such a fast and enjoyable read, with very little angst but enough heart and depth for me to fall in love.

The Novel Approach Reviews

Cardeno visits Emile City again! And I couldn't be happier. In this short story we meet Rafi and Isaac. In school, Isaac tormented Rafi mercilessly. Suddenly he shows up in Emile City and acting as though he and Rafi were friends. Rafi is offended that Isaac would dream of coming near him again, after all he put him through. Isaac is kinda stalkerish scary but you know what? It totally works for me. The whole plot of the story makes sense, and I found myself hoping that Rafi wouldn't dismiss a chance at happiness, especially after Isaac comes clean about what he's doing in Emile City.... Cardeno knows how to pull my heartstrings and does it very well.

Mrs. Condit & Friends Read Books