
Montaña Azul

Montaña Azul

Exiliado de su manada cuando apenas era un adolescente, el lobo omega Simon Moorehead aprende a dejar de lado su naturaleza amable en pos de su supervivencia.

Word Count: 35,375

TJ y Finn

TJ y Finn

TJ y Finn siempre han sido amigos y desde hace muchos años mantienen una relación formal y feliz.

Word Count: 5,000

Rio Rojo

Rio Rojo

Dos hombres lobo se unen para liderar su manada y construir una familia.

Word Count: 38,800

El restaurante de Jesse

El restaurante de Jesse

Dos hombres que comparten la misma historia y una atracción mutua deben ser honestos con ellos mismos y con el otro para que sus sueños se vuelvan realidad.

Word Count: 30,000

My FB Group's Recommendations



However, once they do figure things out…damn, they were HOT!! All the hot sex and the biting and …did I mention the knotting ?? So far I have enjoyed all books in this series, but so far this one is my favorite. Guess that’s because I have a preference for all thing Alpha.

Dirty Book Obsession

If you fancy a lot of super hot sexy times, tempered with some emotional loving, and more than a little bit of action – don’t hesitate to pick this up!

Reviews by Jess Wave

I would recommend this book for anyone looking for a short and sweet romance.

The Romance Reviews

Jude Harrison's character is revealed through the trips to Ethan's past and the final ending will make you smile and laugh even if you know what is coming. C. Cardeno has done a wonderful job with this story and this earns a big "don't pass this up" from me.

Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words