Jamie was a sand up guy and really worked to bring down all of Oliver’s walls. He challenged Oliver to step out of his confront zone and just be in the moment with him. I liked that about him. He was already of age to know what he liked and what he wanted in a life partner.
Once again Cardeno C. Did an amazing job writing this story
I love Cardeno C. novellas. They are short, sweet, hot, poignant and pack a punch. Perfect writing, brilliant characters and hilarious banter.
Two very strong men, both used to being in control, one who believes in fate and destiny, and the other who believes in falling in love and choosing the person to spend your life with… Buy the book. You won't regret the read, I guarantee it.
The enduring love between Kai and Abe was both wonderful and sad as others conspired to keep them apart. I loved every minute of the book.