
These books are linked by theme or world. They are independent and can be read in any order.

My FB Group's Recommendations



Cardeno C is one of my favorite M/M authors and this book shows why....The story is sweet and I was happy to see Jaime make Oliver come out of his shell. There was no conflict in this story but I felt it really didn’t need it since it was really a love story between two men who shouldn’t work together but did. 

Alpha Book Club

If you are a lover of paranormal and the gay genre this is definitely the book for you....It's hard not to feel such emotion in your heart while reading.


I really enjoyed the story and the characters in it. ...One thing I always like in Shifter stories and loved in this one is the bond between two mates destined to be together. It is hard to imagine anything more romantic than that. Of course the bond being unbreakable has a flipside; not even betrayal or a long time apart can diminish the pull. ...Overall this was a rather sweet, well written and very sexy paranormal romance.

Love, Romances, & More

This was such an enjoyable story. I love Eli's vibrant personality. He is in touch with who he is and what he wants. He is sweet, caring, and so young when we first start this book. Seth is the careful one, the one who has his life planned out. Eli calls him "old man" and it fits, as he always plays it safe and has responsible adult advice when Eli talks to him. It was fun watching them both grow and change throughout the story. Cardeno C. has a lovely way of telling a story. It is humorous, sweet and thoughtful. Some of my favorite parts involve the weddings that Seth officiated as a rabbi. After the first one, I realized eating and drinking while reading could be hazardous to my health because I was laughing so much. Even though this was the last book in the series, I never felt I was missing something....I have come to adore Cardeno C.'s work. I know I will enjoy a well-written, thoughtful story with a happy ending. I definitely recommend this book and look forward to going back and reading the rest of this series.

Live Your Life, Buy the Book

When I got through with this book, my thought was how much it made me smile. And my second was, it's just lovely.

Hearts on Fire Reviews