Due uomini con un passato in comune e un’attrazione reciproca devono essere sinceri con se stessi e l’uno con l’altro per poter realizzare i loro sogni.
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Riuscirà il figlio miliardario di un Presidente Democratico a formare una famiglia con il figlio Deputato di un Senatore Repubblicano? Dimenticate la politica: è l’amore a creare strani compagni di letto.
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Se l’irascibile Jason riuscisse ad aprire il suo cuore e la sua vita all’ottimista Abe, potrebbe finalmente trovare la famiglia che desidera.
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L’unione di due Alfa, per guidare il branco e costruire una famiglia.
Word Count: 36.000
All’età di diciotto anni. Shiloh Raben è stanco. Non ha più le energie sufficienti per confrontarsi con i compagni di classe, con i suoi dubbi interiori e con la paura del rigetto da parte della sua famiglia, così prende un rasoio e si taglia i polsi.
Word Count: 36,389
This is a shifter world with a very interesting twist to the Mating of shifters. ... The book follows these guys from birth until they are thirty, so you get to see them at all stages of their life and relationship. I liked that. I also liked that their romance didn't evolve until later than you would expect. Before that they were truly just best friends although they definitely always had that bond. I also really enjoyed the fact that Jonah never knew that Zev and Pup were the same creature. Yes, he has a bond with the wolf too who's been with him throughout his life. It was a good read. I could feel the bond between the two guys and as they began to decline, I really worried for them. I loved the mystery of why Jonah is the way that he is... a bit stronger than he should be as a human and he always has a sense when Zev is around. The twist with Zev being as strong as he was and a great Alpha for his pack made him a great hero. You got to see him strong and dominate with them, but then got to see his soft, mushy side with Jonah. But I truly loved that both guys are really VERY strong. It was an interesting read and I definitely enjoyed it.
Pack dynamics and interesting shifters made this an enjoyable romance with some great action sequences. …Robert isn't interested in shifting, and, therefore, doesn't recognize Vy as his mate. Vy struggled with wanting to be with Robert while at the same time feeling very frustrated that Robert wouldn't recognize him as his true mate. Instead, Robert is just interested in Vy as a person. This leads to the biggest conflict between these two mates, and gives the story an interesting twist on the instant love we usually see with mates. … I enjoyed the focus on the different issues with the pack members, and the trouble that they were having with another pack.
Cardeno C. adds just the right touch of humor to the conversations between Miguel and Ethan. ... Cardeno C. will capture you on the first page and keep your interest as we explore the world created and met the intriguing characters who live in that world. Great characters with a captivating story - how can you go wrong? You can't with Until Forever Comes by Cardeno C.
When they did figure it out, well, I was so thrilled that what they'd been looking for was right there waiting and they got the happy ever after they both deserved.
This is yet another romantic cuppa served warm with extra cream and sugar from Cardeno C.