Due uomini con un passato in comune e un’attrazione reciproca devono essere sinceri con se stessi e l’uno con l’altro per poter realizzare i loro sogni.
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Riuscirà il figlio miliardario di un Presidente Democratico a formare una famiglia con il figlio Deputato di un Senatore Repubblicano? Dimenticate la politica: è l’amore a creare strani compagni di letto.
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Se l’irascibile Jason riuscisse ad aprire il suo cuore e la sua vita all’ottimista Abe, potrebbe finalmente trovare la famiglia che desidera.
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L’unione di due Alfa, per guidare il branco e costruire una famiglia.
Word Count: 36.000
All’età di diciotto anni. Shiloh Raben è stanco. Non ha più le energie sufficienti per confrontarsi con i compagni di classe, con i suoi dubbi interiori e con la paura del rigetto da parte della sua famiglia, così prende un rasoio e si taglia i polsi.
Word Count: 36,389
This world that Cardeno C has created is as flawed as real life, but she finds a way to make it a better place.
Strong Enough held the meaning of life~ who one falls in love with can’t always be helped, a family should always be on your side, and but if there is strength of will and character, love will be found. Cardeno C. wrote strength in Emilio and Spencer and happiness prevailed.
I absolutely loved this story and Zev and Jonah have joined my list of favorite couples. Their love story was, on the one hand, amazingly sweet having begun as babies essentially, and on the other hand, hotter than hot as they waited through all those years to be together. I can't recommend this book enough. If you love shifters, then this is the story for you.
Can I just say O.M.G. Cardeno took a concept that should never have worked and not only made it work, but made it work well. ... There are some very touching moments that we can all remember from our youth ... some will pull on your heart strings; some will make you so ANGRY you want to scream; and some will make you laugh so loudly you will disturb anyone within a mile radius of you while you are reading them. But what they all do is tell the love story these three men share over two decades. They all end up going their own way, but fate has a way of making decisions for us that we would never have expected. This isn't the average M/M/M story. In my opinion, this is a very unique take on the concept and it just works. ... I think this is one of Cardeno C.'s best works, and I have never laughed as hard as I did while reading the scene about the lentils. That was just brilliant! If you have liked Cardeno's work in the past, I think you will love this one. I know I did.
It had a real nice pace to it, and I had a hard time stopping myself from listening to it all in one go, despite the fact that I had Things That Must Be Done.