Free Reads

Zev and Jonah


I wrote this flash fic for Boy Meets Boy Reviews featuring the characters in Wake Me Up Inside. Enjoy! - CC

My FB Group's Recommendations



When you want the meaning of true family and love this is the book to pick up in either ebook or audio form it is an great read

Redz World

This was, truly, one of the best coming out journeys I've read and I loved taking it with Ben...This was an excellent addition to the series and I'm so very glad the author wrote a story for Ben. Thank you, Cardeno, I loved it.

Rainbow Book Reviews

The author did a very good job using the time the men were together to move them from acquaintances to friends to lovers. Perfect Imperfections has a little bit of everything and is sure to be another hit for Cardeno C. If you have not yet tried anything by this author this book would be a great starting point.

Night Owl Reviews

I must say though that when reading this light, short read, it had a dreamy quality to it. I cannot really put the right words on text, but it was like I was participating in the events that unfolded in a quality very dreamlike and quite blurry. It felt so good and in spite of the sensitive topic involved, it left me with a feeling of such great HOPE. Something which could only be felt during hopeful holidays like Christmas....There was something magical about this story that speaks of love, commitment, hope and faith. Yes, this is a very short and light read but it was bigger than the quantity of the text.  It made me think deeper and it reached out to something deeper inside me (and hopefully other readers). It teared up quite a bit but as the story was not sad, it was good tears. Hopeful tears. It was a beautiful.

Multitasking Mommas