Exilé par sa meute quand il était adolescent, l’Omega Simon Moorehead a appris à enfouir sa nature douce pour survivre.
Word Count: 35,375
Pas même les funérailles de sa mère ne peuvent convaincre l’autoproclamé fêtard Zach Johnson de modérer ses sarcasmes ou de penser à s’installer.
Word Count: 94,711
Deux shifters Alphas s’unissent pour diriger leur meute et fonder une famille.
Word Count: 38150
L’irascible Jason parviendra-t-il à ouvrir son cœur à l’optimiste Abe ? S’il le laisse entrer dans sa vie, il pourra enfin avoir la famille qu’il désire tant.
Word Count: 59,044
Après une aventure d’un soir qui se transforme en amour potentiel, le sage Spencer réalise qu’il a envie de partager sa vie avec le flamboyant Emilio.
Word Count: 61,177
Même si le temps ne guérit pas toutes les blessures, Charlie va rapidement se rendre compte qu’avec deux hommes motivés et déterminés à le reconquérir, il parviendra à trouver le bonheur d’une manière inattendue...
Word Count: 70 625
Un puissant loup Alpha et un humain têtu surmontent des traditions enracinées de génération en génération et révèlent des secrets depuis longtemps enfouis pour accomplir leur destinée en tant que compagnons.
Word Count: 80 442
Un métamorphe loup sensible et un vampire brutal défient les traditions, la cupidité, et les profondeurs de leurs êtres afin de rester ensemble à jamais.
Word Count: 63 441
Le très dominant Asher ne s’attendait pas à tomber amoureux de l’insouciant Daniel, mais ils trouveront ce dont ils ont désespérément besoin chez l’autre.
Word Count: 70 817
This book was a well written sexy as hell book from the first page to the last, I loved the family interactions, the fighting and beliefs but I also loved how they rally together when they ʺhave toʺ lol. I absolutely loved it!!!
Perfect Imperfections is a very sweet and no angst story, and there is a bit of a mystery which kept things interesting. The build-up to the more smexy scenes was nice and made the payoff that more delicious. ...There are so hilarious moments, specially with Jeremy which made for solid romcom fare. Reggie and Jeremy's dance around each other was done well, there was a lot of tension without getting frustrated. Reggie and Jeremy were so dear, those two were certainly smittlen. ...I liked this one, will probably pick it up again when I need light read with cuteness and smexy.
Walk With Me is a beautiful story to close out The Home Series Journey. This is a story of knowing who you love and standing by that, regardless to what others think or feel. ... This story develops and grows over the next 13 or so years. ... Eli backs off the seduction routine and just enjoys Seth for what he is, his best friend. ... Cardeno is, without a doubt, one of the best authors in this genre. ...The humor and funny moments just roll off their tongue and before you know it, you are laughing out loud at their banter back and forth. They soak up the pages with their joy and love for each other. The plot flows effortlessly, even though the story develops over several years, allowing the reader to follow along seamlessly. Each book can stand alone, but it is a little extra special if you have read the others as some of the older characters make an appearance. I am so impressed with the author's ability to take each character and show the growth of maturity that each one has developed over time. ...I highly recommend this story to anyone whether a new reader to C. Cardeno or a loyal follower. You do not want to miss out on a truly feel good, down to your bones, love story. There are moments where love is expressed so passionately that you are holding your breath for fear of missing something. ...This is storytelling in the…
I thoroughly enjoyed the way this book was told....It really was engaging as well as refreshing. From the start of the story I was completely invested in Charlie's journey... This story brought out a lot of emotions in me. Charlie goes through a lot and I couldn't help but feel for him every step of the way during his journey. Love, heartbreak, anger, sadness are just some of the things I felt while I sat here listening to Charlie talk about his life. You really do feel like you are listening to his story vs reading it because you start to look at Charlie as your friend. I know sounds crazy right but really it was just so well written the pages come to life.
I love the way Cardeno C spins a tale. Even a short story like this one was so beautifully told.