Not a Game is sweet and delicious and left me with a smile. Jaime and Oliver get their HEA and it may or may not have brought a tear to my eye. Allegedly.
I’ve always loved this author and this book is exactly the reason why. This story was so real and cute and believable and funny and unique and fresh and tons more things I won’t sit here and bore you with.
When a story makes you feel all squishy and happy it’s always hard to pinpoint that one or two things about this book that made you feel that way. Cardeno did that to me in this story!
Jamie was a sand up guy and really worked to bring down all of Oliver’s walls. He challenged Oliver to step out of his confront zone and just be in the moment with him. I liked that about him. He was already of age to know what he liked and what he wanted in a life partner.
Another Cardeno C romance that is truly romance! A sweet story from beginning to end, this story doesn’t even have a misunderstanding, let alone a black moment...This is the perfect feel good romance. It will leave you with a happy heart!